Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Study: Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Essential for Women 40-44

5/10/2016, David Danielsen, President and CEO, CRA Health,

Widespread debate over breast cancer screening guidelines has caused significant consternation, if not confusion, for clinicians and their patients. As a result, many women may not be getting screening mammography that could save their life.

Given the importance of this topic, we want to share news to help you identify high-risk patients.

A team of leading researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital recently presented data at the American Society of Breast Surgeons annual meeting showing benefits of cancer risk assessment for women of all ages, especially for women ages 40 to 44.

Specifically, researchers found that of more than 900 women without breast cancer ages 40-44:

  • 46% had lifetime risk of developing breast cancer ≥15%
  • 25% were eligible for genetic testing based on ACS and ASBS guidelines
  • 50% were eligible for screening mammography at age 40-44 based on ACS and ASBS guidelines

These findings have been covered extensively in both popular and medical-focused media: Chicago Tribune, CBS News, U.S. News & World Report, Healio, Cancer Therapy Advisor and Health Imaging.


Read About the Study



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